About Dade Ronan Website G.A.M.E.R.

What is it about Dade Ronan that is Totally Awesome?

It is about Dade Ronan the G.A.M.E.R. The acronym G.A.M.E.R. stands for Gamification, Analysis, Motivation, Entrepreneur, and Religion. These are the main areas of focus that Dade Ronan shares to the world. Now, let’s take a look at these individually.

G. Gamification – Drawing from Dade’s 25 years of PC gaming experience, 20 years as a web designer and developer, 6 years at owning his own IT company, a Masters Degree in Management Information Systems, 10 years as the president of |CoR| City of Refuge Christian Gaming Community, he contributes to the Gamification industry, Social Media industry, and IT industry through the creation of articles, analysis, training, guest speaking, etc., and assisting businesses to motivate their customers and workforce via game dynamics to achieve a desired goal.

A. Analysis – Being a Business Analyst, it is in the DNA of Dade to analyze, evaluate, diagnose, troubleshoot, examine, and research an issue discovering the root cause and designing a solution to the problem.

M. Motivation – This is where the encouragement comes from. People need to be motivated, inspired, stimulated, stirred, and driven to achieve greatness and to be Totally Awesome.

E. Entrepreneur – New start-ups, small and medium sized businesses, non-profit organizations, as well as the enterprise level corporations all need innovation and that entrepreneur spirit working to generate new ideas, new processes, new concepts, and new approaches. Why, because when an organization says, “we have always done it that way”, or “it can’t be done” will inevitably be outdone by somebody else who will. Applying Dade’s solutions, strategies, and analysis will enable a business to excel into world class status.

R. Religion – All business must be conducted with honesty and integrity. Business Ethics comes from a foundation in the belief of God and faith in God. With Dade’s Bachelors in Biblical Studies, a second Bachelors in Business and Ethics, and a pastor at Calvary Chapel Wichita makes him keenly qualified to address ethical issues that involve business, faith, and family.

Need some assistance with your project, need some tools to help you accomplish a task, need a different point of view, need some new ideas, need some issue analyzed, need to know a process, need to be motivated, need to know the right ethical choice, need…need…need? Whatever your need is, you have come to the right place. Even if it is not on this web site, just ask Dade and he will either get you the answer you need or direct you to the right place. His goal is to help you to be Totally Awesome. To get started, Contact Dade HERE with your question.

Short Version:

Dade-Ronan-SmileDade Ronan is a Programmer of websites and software applications, a Professor teaching at conferences and Bible colleges with a Masters Degree, a Publisher of the Pocket Devotional Series and other books, a Patriot as a military Veteran, a Pastor at Calvary Chapel Maize, a Preacher of the Word of God, a Provider to his loving wife, and a Parent of five lovely kids.

Long Version:

Dade is awesome.  Well OK, you already know this.  The full long version is coming soon.

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